
Top 12 Reasons You Will Love Having a Dog

When you have a dog you will be very happy with the results, there is no doubt that you need to love the upsides that come from it. How could it be any better than waking up to a smiling face and knowing that they love you always? Here are the proven benefits of...

Euthanasia in America With Cats and Dogs

When you look at your pet you can probably never imagine killing him for being alive. However, in the United States we have a situation where cats and dogs are overrunning our streets and many times the only solution for the Animal Control is to euthanize the animals....

This Pooch Was Made For Walkin’

There are some who think that walking dogs on leashes constrains dogs and suppresses their natural behaviors. Just imagine, however, a world where everyone just let their dogs loose and free to roam; free-range dogs if you will. As you’re walking, reward your dog...
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