
The Twelve Friendliest Cat Breeds

Exotic Shorthair If you are looking for a feline lap companion, An Exotic Shorthair cat may be the perfect pet for you. They are well known for their loyal personalities and affection. They are often cautious around activity, so warming up to children or strangers may...

Making Friends with Shy Cats

As a life-long cat enthusiast, I have many early memories of instantly befriending a friend or neighbor’s cat. As soon as I walked into a room and saw a cat, I loved it and wanted to pet and cuddle it. Unfortunately, for most cats, this level of enthusiasm from...

The Feline Leukemia Virus

Feline Leukemia also known as FeLV, is the leading cause of death in cats. Normally after a cat is diagnosed they lose their battle after an average of three years. This virus suppresses the cat’s immune system. So infections in the cats diagnosed with this can be...

Excessive Meowing from Cats:

Reasons why cats meow varies. Reasons seem to change as they age from becoming kittens until they are cats. Kittens meow to communicate certain things to their mothers such as being hungry, cold, or scared. When cats get older, cats communicate in other ways like...

5 Most Dangerous Cat Diseases

The latest studies published by the HSUS on feral cats confirmed that the best thing you can do to protect your cats from dangerous diseases is to keep them inside our homes. Reduce potential fights with other cats reduces the spread of disease through injuries and...
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