Choosing a Chicken Breed to Raise

Choosing a Chicken Breed to Raise

There are varieties of chickens to raise. Choosing a breed will depend on the kind of chicken that you want to raise. There are chickens that seem healthy but their egg-laying capacity is frail, while other chickens give out lots of eggs every day. Before finally...
Complete Guide to Caring for your Hamster

Complete Guide to Caring for your Hamster

Small, stocky rodents called hamsters can make wonderful pets if given the right care and medical attention. Although they can live up to five years, hamsters often survive only one to two years. Animals that prefer to burrow and store food at night include hamsters....
Grooming Your Pet Guinea Pig

Grooming Your Pet Guinea Pig

A large population of adults have fond memories of the guinea pig they raised as a child. It doesn’t take a lot of encouragement before they are describing the way it looked, as well as recounting the adventures they shared. Most parents who had guinea pigs...
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