How Much Room Is Available For Roaming Chickens?
Different angles must be taken into consideration like the place where your chickens will live. Do you have a big backyard? Is it wide enough to let your chosen number of chickens roam? You have to think about this factor because chickens differ in breeds – some are small and others are large.
Where Will The Chickens Live?
Also, another factor is the environment you are living in. If you’re living along the equator, it is expected that the temperature within that place be, most of the time, scorching hot. But if you’re living somewhere up above or down below, it becomes colder. Now, which of the two are you?
Production Red Breed
There are cross breeds of chickens that can resist whatever the weather is. Production Reds is one of many typical examples. They can be tamed and are resistant to cold temperature. That is why, when you live in a place where it’s always cold, this breed is the right one for you.
Bantam Breed
The Bantam chicken breed can be a little bit hard headed. They love to fly around, a very good reason why pens can be worthless. These breeds are tough but pretty for their fluffiness is incomparable. They are not good at laying eggs but if they do, their product is very small and is not advisable for selling.
Pekins and Silkies Breeds
The Pekins and Silkies are two of the best choices when it comes to laying eggs. They come in various colors and types. If you try to crossbreed a silkie with a cochin bantam, you will have a wonderful breed because the outcome is one which will never bite, hurt or claw anyone as proven by top breeders.
Leghorn Breed
If you are looking for a cheap egg-laying chicken, you can settle with a leghorn. Although you have to eventually clip their wings because they are flighty. Also, they are a bit scrawny so watch out! Some breeders dare not choose a leghorn because they are ugly and are high strung.
Cochin Bantam Breed
Looking for a chicken that’s sweet? Try cross breeding Cochin Bantams. Breeds that came from a Cochin Bantam’s bloodline are amazing because of certain qualities like sweetness, manners, and you have a very good breed that can easily be noticed in exhibitions.
Barred Plymouth Rocks Breed
Barred Plymouth Rocks are also one of the top breeds. It’s like the best deal ever, all in one package. Why? Well, during summer time, they lay eggs almost every day. They have a healthy and good weight, are astonishingly pretty, and are not vicious.
Americaunas Breed
Americaunas have an impeccable beauty that is more radiant because of their feathers. They have a color resembling a falcon’s – dark, golden feathers. Their beaks are almost similar with a falcon’s because some breeds have pretty curved beaks. They are indeed beautiful breeds and can withstand the coldness of the night or during wintertime, but if you like squeezing eggs out of these breeds, what luck! Sadly, they don’t lay very well.
Choose the Right Breed
Always keep in mind that unusual chicken breeds typically need more attention from the breeders so their breeds can survive. Nowadays, there are a variety of chicken breeds available, but before you go out and purchase any, make sure you are getting just the right chicken for your liking to raise!
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