
What is the Best Way to Get the Attention of a Kitten

There are many people who are very passionate about cats. However, it is important to know how you can work with kittens and train them in the best way. Training cats can be very hard and that is because there are many ways that they communicate that are very feline. What that means is that it is important to find ways to communicate with them that are going to get their attention. One of the best ways to get the attention of a cat is to use noises and use their names in noises that have a high frequency. That is because this is the same kind of sounds that mice and birds make. Kittens can pay attention to the sounds that are high and using these kinds of sounds will help you to get the attention of your cat.

Any kind of name that also has an e sound at the end of it will also help you to get the attention of your cat. You want to have their attention as well as ensure that you get their attention as much as possible. Always call your kitty by a nickname as well as plan on using baby talk so that you can speak to them as successfully as possible.



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