
Keeping Your Dog Safe on Halloween

Can I Take My Dog Trick Or Treating?


Do you want your dog to celebrate Halloween with you and your family? If so, you should think ahead about how you can keep your dog safe while engaging in a spooky good time!


Can your dog be easily identified and contained should he become lost?


Start with ID tags. If your dog doesn’t have ID tags, go get him some now and put them on his collar right away. If you already have tags, be sure they are current.  In addition to ID tags, your dog should be microchipped. Microchipping can be easily done in most veterinarian offices for a very nominal fee.  Any current microchip should be updated with your current contact information as well.  Your dog should always be identifiable by ID tags and a microchip if you are hoping for a prompt return should he become lost on Halloween or any day of the year for that matter.


Is your dog used to walking on a leash? He needs to be if you are taking him out on Halloween. Your dog should always be easily controlled, contained and restrained.   This is for his own safety. He should never be allowed to wander around on Halloween no matter how well behaved he is.


Do you let your dog eat Halloween treats?


If you answered yes, STOP.  Human treats, especially the sugary kind are a big N-O for your dog. While it may be tempting to “treat” your dog on Halloween while you are trick or treating, it’s really bad for him. Xylitol and chocolate can cause severe illness and even death, so always be sure to monitor your dog around all human sugary goodness. Make sure the whole family and anyone that may hang out with your dog is following the same safety restrictions when it comes to treats. The last thing you need or want is a trip to the vet on Halloween, right? Why not plan ahead and arm yourself with your dog’s favorite treats? He’ll thank you for it!


Do you plan on dressing your dog up in a costume on Halloween?


If you plan to, be sure he wants to be in a costume. Always err on the side caution when dressing up your pet.  If he’s just not into it, snap your picture of his cuteness and let him free of the costume.  Some dogs just don’t’ like to be in a costume. If this is the case, you certainly shouldn’t take him trick or treating in a costume either. When dressed up, your dog should always be able to see and the costume should not restrict his movement in any way.


Does your dog REALLY want to be out in the crowds on Halloween?


How is your dog on walks or in large groups of people in general? If your dog’s temperament and personality is more Netflix and chill kind of dog then trick or treating should really be out of the questions. Think about it, most neighborhoods on Halloween involve crowds, lots of noise, people in scary costumes and more. This can put your dog in a fearful state and that’s a recipe for disaster in more ways than one. Listen to your dog. His body language will tell you all you need to know. If your dog exhibits signs of anxiety, fear or aggression while out trick or treating then he needs to go home.


Trick or Treating can be a lot of fun for everyone, even your dog IF you carefully consider his needs and desires.  When in doubt, leave him home. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!






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