
What can I Do About My Pudgy Dog?

When it comes to puppies, they are getting heavier year over year. If you look at the statistics for the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, there are around 56% that are overweight and need to slim down. Obesity creates a whole list of issues like arthritis, diabetes, all kinds of cancer, and other problems. It is very important to ensure that you are going to work with your vet to ensure that you are going to help your pet stay slim and avoid issues.


What Should I Do to Put My Dog on a Diet?

If you want to ensure that you are going to have your pet on a diet, you need to know what they are eating and the right food and how much they are eating. You need to know the target weight of your pet and know as well what you need to do to exercise with your pet to reach their target weight.


How to Calculate Your Pet’s Calorie Intake and Weight


For your dog to be healthy, you need to make sure that you are working with your pet to lose at max 2% of their weight a week. To ensure a healthy slimness, the most you want your pet to lose is .05 percent of their weight. You need to work with your vet to know what the body’s total weight should be as well as how long it will take to reach that weight.


Your vet may be able to help you as well decide what the best food is for your pet, you may also be able to figure out how to know what your pet is eating per day as well as do regular weigh-ins for your pet. When you are working with the vet, you may need to consider doing weigh-ins every two weeks when you are first getting started. You also want to look at the weight itself that is met and then see how you can find a new feeding plan that will allow you to ensure that you have a stable weight.


How to Choose the Right Food For Your Dog and Their Weight Goalsx


When you have less exercise than you have food being taken in, we all know what happens. As a pet owner, you are responsible for what is being eaten as well as when they are being exercised. Also, there are many options out there for you to add in a prescription as well to help your pet slim down.


Several components to look for in a weight loss diet include a diet high in density, high fiber, low fat, high levels of l carnitine levels, and antioxidants.



What is Nutrient Density?


When it comes to choosing the right diet, you need to know that you are choosing the best nutrient density. There are two main things you need to think about and that is the number of calories and the nutrients that are a part of that same serving. You need to have the highest amount of nutrients that are in it.


When you are working to ensure that you are decreasing the number of calories, it is important to ensure that you are maintaining the right number of nutrients so that there will not be any nutritional deficiency. If you feed less food to the pet and you are going to ensure that you are not depriving the dog, you are going to be able to do so with a higher amount of nutrients.


Why You Need High Fiber and Less Fat

When you have a diet for your pet that is high in fiber and low in fat, you are going to ensure that your pet is satisfied. You also will see that if you make that change you are going to not have a pet that is begging. Losing weight is important to help your pet have a good ratio and help you to promote weight loss.



Therapeutic L-Carnitine Levels to Promote Positive Health


L-carnitine is an amino acid that will allow dogs to be used from fat and burn it to energy. This ensures that you are going to be able to metabolize more fat.


Why Do You Need A lot of Antioxidants?


When you are working with a diet that is high in antioxidants you will see that your pet is going to have higher energy, as well as have less inflammation and have a better metabolism. When adding in the antioxidants, there is an increase of about 22% in the amount of weight that is lost.






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