A training that is complete should include the correct use of the guide, a process that happens gradually and not from one day to the next. With this, the basics to reach him and other stages of training such as voice commands are an essential part of the basic training of dog puppies.
Then, begin the process by having the puppy wear a collar. In the beginning, it is very common for him to resist, but still be persistent; this must be done for his safety, so it is a rule that must be followed. To know more tips of handling dogs find here at K9nerds.com
After the pup gets accustomed to the collar, start by allowing him to drag it around the house, always under his supervision. When it’s time for him to do your needs, take him safely in the guide to the right place for it.
Get him to always walk on his left side, so always put him there every time he takes you for a walk. Most puppies easily learn to like their guide because they soon realize that it is a sign that they will leave the house for a walk.
Signal and voice commands are the “tips” that are given to the dog so that he realizes what his owners want him to do. Usually, these commands are taught together side by side.
First, put some reward in the hand for the dog, this can be a ration, a biscuit, in short, something he appreciates a lot. Arrange in front of the animal and just above the snout, making a movement toward the back of the pet. By doing so, you will force him to look very high to see the reward, which will eventually make him feel to achieve a more comfortable position. At that time, give him the reward. Gradually distance the moment the dog sat on the reward; however, require him to remain in the same position.
Place the hand with the reward at the front and above the dog’s muzzle. Then make a move towards the rear, to be able to look at the reward that is high he will end up sitting. The moment the dog sits down, you should give him the reward.
Gradually move away from clicking the moment the dog sat, however, requiring it to remain in the same position.
Lies down
Before starting this new command, it is necessary that the animal has already learned to sit well. With the animal already in a sitting position, try to have him follow his hand so that the muzzle is toward the ground. If he tries to get up from the floor, return to the sitting position and start the procedure again. With some animals, you need to reward yourself several times and just because you have gotten down even more before you can make the whole move.
The dog should be in a sitting position, then have him follow his hand with his muzzle toward the ground. If he pulls up the back of the floor, he returns to the sitting position and then resumes training. The click should be when the dog leans its elbows on the ground. Know that with some dogs, it is necessary to reward just by having it lowered a few times before even it can make the complete move.
To teach your dog to stay will require a little more time and patience as he likes to move around and stay close to his owner. To begin the practice of this command, you should put the dog in the position you want (can be sitting or lying down) and begin to distance gradually.
Keep the bread flat like a sign and repeat the word “stay.” At first, it will only remain stopped for a few seconds. As the training progresses, it increases the time it should remain standing. It is also important that you change your positioning relative to the dog.
Initially, you should look back at the animal before clicking; some dogs end up getting very anxious to run towards the owner.
Teaching the dog the “stay” command requires a little more patience and time since the animal likes to keep moving and still very close to the owner. To start practicing this command, first place the dog in the position you think is best, from lying down or sitting down and starting to get away slowly. With your flat hand, give him a sign while repeating the word “stay” several times. At first, stay still for a few seconds. Slowly go further and change your position relative to your pet, and in the beginning, try to get back close to the dog, as many of them are eager to get close to the owner.
In order for the dog to understand that he is doing something right, it is important to reward him, that is, to give him a cookie, for example.
The “come” command is very important because you will use it in your day to day life. It’s an easy command to teach, but most people end up using it at the wrong times. For example, talking “come” to scold the dog or to hold him in the chain makes him prefer to hide since he associates the command with something bad.
So if you usually use the word “come” to give scolding choose another word as a command. One suggestion is “here,” if your dog already has a memory that associates “come” with something bad, it will be difficult to teach him to obey with that command.
To teach this command, you must say “come” (or “here”) and then show the dog a snack or a toy he likes. When he gets to you-you must repay him.
Do this in various situations and when it is coming, then promptly show the reward only after clicking. The signal accompanying the word for this command may be to tap both hands on your legs or even raise your arm and lower it pointing to the ground.
Practical Dressage
We can not say that there is a way that is better than another to train your dog, because each individual is one and responds to a method of training differently. What we can say is that it is essential to have affection for your dog and to teach him with patience and tranquillity.
In addition, we emphasize that your dog will learn from what you teach, that is, if you are aggressive while teaching him the commands, the animal will learn to be aggressive. Screaming, cursing, and anything like that will not teach the dog anything but aggression and rebellion.
Some people do not even realize that dogs do not understand what we say; they only respond in a way conditioned to a word and gesture they are accustomed to seeing. If you need to berate your dog scream or even hit him, it will not solve, you must teach him to act properly.
If you are trying to train your dog for some time without success, you should seek a training professional. However, remember that the professional will teach you how to act with your dog, but can not give the commands for you. It will be a partnership between you, the professional, and your dog.
Why play?
Trained dogs are easier to control on a day-to-day basis, and this can be the difference between aggressive and docile dogs. Also, when you take your dog for sightseeing, you need to have control over it, so you do not end up being “squeaked” by it.
This is a way to ensure his safety too, because you can give him commands that will prevent him from running off the street, leaving home without you knowing that it will be possible to avoid many situations where you are at risk without even realizing it.
2 Paws Up Inc Pet Sitting and Dog Walking hope you enjoyed our Guest Post The Best Training Commands For Dogs by 9Knerds. As summer comes to an end and school starting in a few short weeks, we are here for you and your pups.
If you have a long commute to work and feel guilty, leaving your puppy or senior dog in a crate or confined to a kitchen or small room? Do you find that you’re coming home to accidents all over the floor? We have a helpful solution; we can take your dog or dogs for a 30-minute or more on an adventure walk or let them out for a quick potty break. Contact us and let us see if we can design a program for you and your puppy or senior dog to help them keep their paws uncrossed, and less cleanup for you at the end of your long workday.
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