
Loganville Pet Sitter Gives Top 3 Halloween Tips For Nervous Dogs

Halloween is a fun time for kids and adults to dress up, trick-or-treat, and watch scary movies. Some people go to parties and many decorate their homes with Jack-o-lanterns, spider webs, and scary-looking monster faces. People in general, really enjoy Halloween!

Dogs, on the other hand, may not find the holiday as enjoyable. There are strangers coming to their door in costumes, ringing the doorbell, and talking to the dog’s owner. This can be very off-putting to many dogs, especially those who are already nervous or reactive at the front door. If your dog is skittish about the doorbell and new people, Halloween can be very scary for him.

So, how do you help calm your dog’s nerves on Halloween? Is there anything you can do to make your pup less anxious when the scary monsters ring the doorbell?


Here are 3 tips for a Happy Halloween for your dog: Winston - Halloween

  1. Keep your dog gated off or in another room during trick-or-treat time. If your dog is used to being crated, you can get him settled in for the evening before the scary people come over asking for candy! Another option is to put your dog in a back bedroom with his favorite toys and treat. Making sure he is away from the door, and not going to bolt when he sees an escape because he is scared. Also, a fearful dog has the tendency to bite to protect himself, and nobody wants to go trick-or-treating and come home with a bite.
  2. Turn on music or TV for your dog. Your dog is used to certain sounds, including music you may listen to or the TV. Having these on for the evening will allow him to relax and not focus on the people outside and at your door. The sound will drown out the noise of the trick-or-treaters and help your dog to stay calm.
  3. Give your dog a calming supplement, such as Comfort Calm an hour or so before the trick-or-treaters start their rounds. There will be different dosages for depending on the size of the dog, so make sure to read the instructions beforehand. Most of the natural calming supplements can be found at any local pet food store. There are also sprays that can work to help your dog relax. Maybe you already have some at home you can use on Halloween. Do whatever works best for your pup!

Loganville Pet Sitter Understands That Dogs Get Spooked On Halloween

Halloween can definitely be a scary time for dogs. There is intermittent activity with the doorbell ringing and voices that he doesn’t know. The costumes can be scary too, since your dog doesn’t know who the people are behind the masks! Keeping your dog safe is the number one priority and having a crate or room for your dog to hang out in for the evening will keep him from being over-stimulated at the door. If you choose to use a supplement, just make sure to follow directions and give them to your dog prior to the excitement at the front door.

Is your dog scared on Halloween? What have you tried to help your dog stay calm on October 31st?




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