
Checklist To Help Prepare For Your Dog Walker

Dog walking adventures are just the cure for canine boredom!

Do you worry about your dog getting bored or lonely during the day when you’re gone? Have you considered having one of our certified, and trained dog walkers to take your “mans or moms best friend” on a dog walking adventure? We’re flexible! This service is available to you 7-days a week. You can choose the number of days per week that will fit into your busy lifestyle.

Dog Walking Adventures

This is perfect for you and your dog(s)! We have adventures that are perfect for all shapes and sizes of dogs. We also don’t mind if the owner wants to come along too. Maybe you have a mother or father that you worry is not getting out and walking their dog(s) like they should and you would just feel better if someone was there to help.

Dog Walking adventures are perfect for all dogs. They especially benefit high energy, overweight or dogs who suffer from boredom or separation anxiety, and destructive behaviors.

Dog Walkers

We often hear “anyone can walk a dog”, but do you really just want anyone walking your dog? Our dog walkers receive education and training in subjects such as dog body language, managing reactivity, and proper leash handling skills.  Whether your dog is great on a leash or is a work in progress, we are prepared to walk them safely.

Checklist For Dog Walking

We have created a checklist tool to help you prepare for your dog walker.






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