
What are the advantages of using the services of a Pet Sitter?

Rather than send your pets to a kennel, or the vet to stay while you’re away, consider a pet sitter.  A pet sitter will come to your home to take care of your pets.

iStock_000022888708Medium Lady and DogThe advantages for the pet include:

  • The pet remains in his or her familiar, secure environment, where all the sights, smells, and sounds are familiar.
  • The pet follows his or her customary diet and exercise routine.
  • The pet is not traumatized by travel in a vehicle.
  • The pet is not exposed to illness of other animals.
  • Most importantly, the pet receives love, and personal attention while you are away.

Benefits for the owner include some of the following:

  • You are not inconvenienced (or traumatized!) by transporting the pet.
  • You do not have to impose upon a friend, neighbor or relative.
  • Your home is looked after, as well, since most pet sitters provide crime deterrent services.
  • You can leave home worry-free knowing your pet is in good hands.
  • You can return home at any hour of the day and find your healthy, happy, pet eagerly awaiting your return.

You don’t have to have a cat or a dog to use the service of a Pet Sitter.  We have taken care of all sorts of animals, from pot belly pigs, to hamsters, to outdoor fish, and wild bird life.

Our visit lengths can vary, but typically would be anywhere from 20 minutes to overnight stays, depending on the nature of the task and your own personal preferences.



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