
How much does it cost to use a Pet Sitter?

KHPets-1024x696When you are ready to enlist the services of a Professional Pet Sitter, you will want to know the cost of the service.  Here at 2 Paws up Inc, we are very open about our pricing structure.  You will be given an estimate of services when you call or submit a quote.

We list our prices for you to see.  You can even log in and create a home and pet profile on our online booking system.  The system will give you the entire cost of your trip or dog walking service.

When choosing a Pet Sitter, are you focusing on the price?  We understand that budgeting for pet sitting is as important as budgeting for vacations or business trips.  Read more below to know what else matters when enlisting the services of a Pet Sitter.

Pet Sitting Rates


Day Time Pet Sitting for 2 or More Consecutive Hours

If you want to know more, submit a Request-A-Quote or call us 770-695-3096.

What are the factors in choosing a Pet Sitting Service?

Is your pet sitter an independent contractor (subcontractor) or an employee?

Remember a company who hires independent contractors (subcontractor) cannot train or personally educate their pet sitters. They can only instruct them to ask the pet owners on how to care for their pets. The independent contractor’s role is that they have to be held accountable to the company to carry out the job as instructed by the pet owner and the company that has contracted them to perform the job. If a mistake is made or the pet sitter is hurt in your home while caring for your pets, who has to pay?

We hire employees giving us the opportunity not only to train but to educate our employees. We perform criminal background checks, carry liability insurance, bonding, and workman’s compensation to ensure the safety of our pet sitters and the safety of our clients and their homes.

Trustworthy Pet Sitter. 

You will want to look for a pet sitter that has not only been trained on the company’s way of doing the “job.” You should also look to see if they are educated in animal behavior. Look for pet sitters who know the proper techniques on how to handle a dog if they come across an unleashed dog.  A pet sitter who knows the signs of aggression, and how to best control the situation. A pet sitter who knows the proper way to walk a dog on a leash.

How long they have been in business.

Why does this matter?  The longer the company has been in business, the better their processes and procedures are.  They have had time to focus and develop the best possible pet care.  It also means they will be there for the long term.

The managers/support system they have. 

You might think the only person you need is the pet sitter who is coming to take care of your pets or walk your dog.  What if you are on vacation and you can’t get a hold of the pet sitter, then you will want that support system to call on.

The backup plan that a larger more established company has in place. 

This would matter a lot to you if you were at the beach and the small single owned company calls and says they are sick and in the hospital and can’t take care of your pets.  What do you do then?  You could call all of your friends, relatives, or even neighbors to take care of your pets, but may not find anyone who can take care of them.  A larger more established company has backup sitters.

The technology and systems that are used.

Why would you care what system they use?  Did you ever think about this?  It will come to light when someone is fed the wrong food, or the last time you stopped the mail and this time you did not.  With an online system, your home and pet instructions can be entered into the system we call your pet sitting portal.  Your instructions need to be entered into your pet sitting portal, and who better to provide instructions for an online system, than you.

Follow-up Surveys are emailed to you. 

We all get dissatisfied now and then.  Things may not have been done exactly as you requested.  For example the bowls in the wrong place.  You need to know that we value your feedback.  This is how we know what great things we are doing, as well as, what we are not so great at doing.




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