
Night Terrors of the Kitty Kind

Kitty SittingDo you ever wonder why it is that cats love to play at night and leave you wondering if you have a ghost or if you have a cat? Cats are primarily nocturnal and for that reason they often make noise at night and they will disturb you if you are not prepared for this. You have to work with the cat in order to get them do shift their schedule. That means that you may want to ensure that you are able to push the cat out of your room and not allow them to use your room as a playground.

Remember You Are in Control

One thing that is really important is that you want to remember that you are the one who in control. That means that you are going to want to ensure that you are able to play with your cat but that your cat realizes that you are the boss. In addition to that you want to make sure that you do not feed your cat in the middle of the night, because then your cat will think that it can play and do strange things in the middle of the night.

Cats Have Shifts

Just like people have shifts, cats do as well. Although they are normally nocturnal animals they also can have the ability to adjust to other schedules. If you let your cat sleep all day and if you let them rest all the time they will keep you up at night. Most cats are very active in the middle of the evening as well as in the early morning. In addition to that the other thing that is important to know is that you also have the ability to shift your cat’s schedule so that you will be able to get your cat into the habit of being trained as well as also being able to shift their schedule.

You cannot think that your cat is going to sleep all the time, your cat needs to play and a big part of that is the fact that they need to play each day.  You want to make sure that you supply your cat with daytime activity as well as you want to make sure that you let your cats play early in the evening. Tie a feather on a rope and play with your cat to keep him occupied. In addition to this plan on finding new ways to keep your cat entertained on a regular basis so that you are able to play with your cat all the time.

Also make sure that you have patience with your cat, this means that when you see your cat sleeping in the day wake him up. You will then be able to play with your cats as well as allow your cat to reset their internal clock. If your kitty is tired in the evenings there is a good chance that your cat will be able to keep you entertained as well.  Whether you realize it or not, playing with your cat is also great exercise for you and will help you to stay as healthy as you can. You want to make sure that you are not letting your cat rest and take all the time that he or she wants to be able to rest.

Play with your pet for you as well as you will be able to have fun with the cat and with your rest. Remember at the end of the day you are the parent and you are the one who has to lead the cat in the process of learning when to sleep as well as learning when to play. As a parent, it is your responsibility to show the pet what it is that you want them to do as well as to spend time with them on a regular basis to be happy and healthy. Cats are some of the best companions that you will ever see and for that reason you want to treat them in ways that will allow you to spend time with them and bond with them. Your feline members of your family are as much a part of your family as the human kind. Enjoy spending time with them and always bring in new toys so that they will always be entertained together. There are many ways to ensure that you are going to be able to keep your cats happy as well settled.

We offer Kitty Services.  We recently added a mid-day kitty service, where we come to play with your kitty in the middle of the day while your at work.  For a free phone consultation give us a call 770-695-3096 to see how we can help your kitty or kitties.



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