
Pet Resolutions for 2015

a87a3a_d1bda7d74b3359f2697bc546f85079adYour pet is making some resolutions for the New Year. Read up on their list and think about how you, as their owner, can help them reach their goals!

Pet goal #1:
I will spend time with my owner every day. I can tell that life is stressful sometimes, and so I will take time out of my busy napping and eating schedule to make sure that my owner gets the tender loving care that he needs. I know that my owner’s stress levels drop when I let them brush, pet, or simply sit with me. I love my owner, so I will commit this time.

Pet goal #2:
I will help my owner to exercise by making walks fun and exciting. I will show my owner all the wonderful and interesting-smelling things that I find so that she too can enjoy nature, fresh air, and a chance to clear her head. And I’ll keep up a brisk pace so she can stretch her legs and stay healthy.

If my owner wants to go running, I will go with them and provide the perfect running partner. I’ll try to remind my owner to keep the good work-out schedule up. I’m always up for a run!

If I’m not the kind of pet that goes out for walks and runs, I’ll still keep my owner’s life active and fun with playtime. Games like chasing the string, catching the ball, or tug-o-war will lower my owner’s stress, encourage laughter, and burn energy and calories. As a side perk, all these activities will help me stay healthy too!

Pet Goal #3:
I will eat all the food in my bowl, every time. If I need to lose some weight, I’ll ask my owner to give me just the right amount instead of overfilling my bowl. Because, like I said before, I will eat all the food in my bowl. Every time.

Pet Goal #4:
I will not eat human food. Well, I will not eat human food if it’s not offered to me. But if it’s offered to me, I feel like it’s rude to turn it down. So I’ll ask my owner to not offer me human food, because I know it’s bad for me, even though it is so delicious. Also, I can’t resist helping myself if human food is left out. So I’ll ask my owner to not leave human food where I can get to it.

Pet Goal #5:
I know that I may still have some bad habits that my owner would like me to break. I shouldn’t chew the table legs. I shouldn’t jump on the counter. I shouldn’t make unmentionable messes in the house, despite the fact that I totally own that corner. I’ll resolve to do better, but I will need my owner to remind me sometimes. Ok, all the time. They will need to commit to keeping me on the higher path and teaching me how to break my bad habits.

Pet Goal #6:
I will try something new! I could accept a new ingredient into my diet. I’ll give it a try if my owner will make it for me. I hear pumpkin is pretty good.

I could explore the wonders of a new toy. New textures, sights, sounds, and smells are all very exciting and interesting to me. New things will keep me young and inquisitive.

I could try to become crate trained this year if I’m not already. I know that crate training can be a first step to making me a travel-friendly pet. And being a travel-friendly pet means that I can go on trips and try even more new and exciting things.

I could explore new recreational areas with my owner. There are new trails and parks out there to be seen.

Pet Goal #7:
I will make new friends this year. I love to be social. If I’m a dog, I’d like to be friendly and behave well around other dogs. If I’m a cat, I’m actually pretty ok with my family. But more lap time is always appreciated.

Pet Goal #8:
If my owner will take me, I will go to the vet with no fuss (well, I might fuss, but I’ll still go). I will stay current on all my check-ups, shots, treatments, and medications. I know that these will all help me to stay healthy and happy, and that’s important to me because I love to have fun.

Pet Goal #9:
I will have a lot of fun with my owner this year!



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