You want to purchase or adopt a pet, although you are unsure if you want a dog or a cat. After all you love them both. There are a few deciding factors to consider. Where you live, how much time you have to devote to your pet. The cost to consider when you go out of town or to the vet. How much training will be involved for a dog, and believe it or not how much will be involved in training your cat. You might want to sit down and write the pros and cons of owning a dog or a cat. If all you can think of are the positives, and you know you want a pet, this article can give you some insight on what pet might be best suited for your current lifestyle. Set down, and relax with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this article.
How to Choose a Pet: Dogs vs Cats
If you decided to purchase a pet, you must be responsible and reasonable. This may seem very easy: that`s enough to visit a pet store or bird market and to buy what you liked. However, in reality it is not so simple – in fact each animal requires a certain care and must be suitable to the owner`s temperament and lifestyle. If you plan to buy a pet for a long time, but not for a month or so, read a few useful tips.
Dog is one of the most popular pets. Faithful, loyal, affectionate, loving, ready to do anything for its owner. If you want to get a dog, be prepared to walk it several times a day, to do its training, to perceive this animal as a full and equal family member. Pay attention not only on the appearance of a dog of any breed, but also by other characteristics: features of care, living conditions, the nature, purpose (dog fighting, hunting, house, etc.). Evaluate your desires and possibilities, give yourself the answer to the question will the dog feel comfortable with you, and you.
Regardless of their breed dogs have one common point – they require greater attention, communication and love. Dogs are like children: time-consuming and are offended if they are ignored. So the dog is well suited for people who prefer active way of life, mostly young and active, single people who want to find a faithful friend, as well as those who own a sufficient amount of time to practice with the dog. Do not get a dog if you have young children.
Independent, proud, proud, capricious, tied to the house more than to its owners. The cat is not less popular pet than its eternal rival and antithesis – the dog. As is in the case with dogs, a lot depends on the choice of breed. Cat`s characters resemble to characters of the people – so it’s important to choose a cat breed that matches to your temperament and lifestyle.
Despite the fact that cats are not amenable to training, pay attention to their education. It is necessary to teach a cat to use the toilet at the appropriate place, to scratch its claws only in specifically designated rug and to make it clear where in the house has “forbidden” zones.
Cats are recommended to creative and independent people; however, they must be willing to tolerate cat’s willfulness.
Labels: cat articles, cat tips, dog articles, dog tips
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