
3 Quick Pet Sitter Tips for Routine Cat Sitting

RSZ6VAoOfsUAxXS273Nd2mSXmN178CJis6PKnCpX170Cats are now even more popular then dogs to own.  It is even more common to see multiple cats in the home today.  Cats are even more territorial than dogs.  It is important to know that cats are not keen to change in routine, or forced removal from familiar surroundings.  With this being said, pet sitting versus boarding is the best solution for the healthy cat.  A professional cat sitter will give your cat the attention they will need.  Whether it’s getting ear scratches or playing with a favorite toy.  We spoil kitties.  A professional cat sitter can provide the same love and care they get when you’re at home.

1.  Points to Remember.

Cats are territorial, and to them you are a territorial invader until you can bond with the cat.  Anticipate that a cat will greet you by the door, and quite possibly head for under the bed when they see a stranger. Friendly cats will rub against your legs to greet and mark you.  Blink once or twice slowly when looking directly at a cat to reassure it. Cats need one-on-one social interaction.

2.  Functions and Activities to Monitor.

Food, water, and litter box usage are a few critical functions and activities to monitor.  Monitor the cats’ intake of food.  Cats who do not consume enough calories are susceptible to “idiopathic hepatic lipidosis”, fatty liver disease.  When a cat quits eating it is a true emergency.  It is important that cats  eat food and drink enough water.  Typically, cats that eat both wet and dry food are less constipated due to the high moisture content.  The urine output can be assessed by the size of the urine clumps.  Normal, healthy cats urinate two to four times in the course of a twenty four hour day.

3.  Identifying the signs of Illness or Injury.

Decreased appetite or not eating.   A cat who is now hiding that was originally friendly.  Changes in litter box habits.  Congestion, runny nose or discharge from the eyes, chronic or acute vomiting.  Lethargy and fever, damp paws, panting and trembling, frequent urination are a few identifying signs. Any behavioral change in a cat is also a red flag.

Typically the healthy cat wont get themselves into as much trouble as canines when they are left alone in a home.  However, cats do miss their owners.  Because of their territorial instinct they handle their owners being away from home better than dogs.



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