
World Spay Day

Hello everyone! In case you have not heard, February 26 is world spay day! We wanted to share this information with you because not only is it a great message, but we are also very passionate about this subject.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, “World Spay Day is an annual campaign of The HSUS and the Humane Society International that shines a spotlight on spay/neuter-a proven way to save the lives of companion animals, feral cats, and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in a shelter or killed on the street. “

There are many pet holiday events that are celebrated and recognized every year, but we feel that this is one of the most important, if not the most important one. It’s crucial to bring awareness to world spay day! There are somewhere between three to four million cats and dogs that are put to sleep every year from shelters, simply due to overpopulation. It’s hard to believe that those are only the numbers in the United States, and this is actually a global problem!

Help us spread the word about world spay day and the importance of having your pet spayed or neutered. You can find out more information about what you can do to help by going to the  Doris Day Animal Foundation  https://www.dorisdayanimalfoundation.org/  & The Humane Society Of The United States https://www.humanesociety.org/issues/spay_day/ .

If your pet is not yet spayed or neutered, please make sure to take care of this asap! You can find more information on this at: www.spayusa.org .

world spay day




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